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Flutter App : Wings: an MVC file structure build with getx for flutter

Flutter : Wings File Structure

About Wings

Wings is an MVC file structure build with getx for flutter projects. to reduce the time of development and increase the programmer productivity.

File Structure

  • core

  • features

    here you can add your app features as the recommended structure (MVC)

    • featureName
      • controller
      • model
      • view


clone the project to your device

git clone

go to the project directory and run flutter pub get to install all the dependencies

Simple Use

1- inside feature folder create new folder and name it as your feature should be called, we will call it here home

2- create three folders with the following names: controller, model and view.

3- open model folder and create a new file with the name: home.model.dart and add the following code inside it:

import 'package:wings/core/immutable/base/models/model.wings.dart'; class HomeModel implements WingsModel { dynamic id; // add all the properties that will be fetched from the API and will be used inside the view dynamic title; HomeModel({, this.title, }); @override List<WingsModel> fromJsonList(List<dynamic> json) { List<HomeModel> models = []; for (var element in json) { models.add(HomeModel.fromJson(element)); } return models; } factory HomeModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) { // add all the properties that you added above to assign the data that came from json to this instance return HomeModel(id: json['id'], title: json['title']); } @override WingsModel fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) { return HomeModel.fromJson(json); } @override Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { // Map the data of this instance to json object to be send to the API return { 'id': id, 'title': title, }; } }

4- open controller folder and create a new file with the name: home.controller.dart and add the following code inside it:

import 'package:wings/core/immutable/base/controllers/controller.wings.dart'; import 'package:wings/core/immutable/providers/remote/request.wings.dart'; import 'package:wings/core/mutable/remote/urls.wings.dart'; import 'package:wings/features/index/model/index.model.dart'; class HomeController extends WingsController { List<HomeModel> get posts => data; @override void onInit() async { model = HomeModel(); // the model that coresponsidng to this feature request = WingsRequest(url: WingsURL.home, shouldCache: true); // request data using REST API with the option caching the response super.onInit(); } }

5- open view folder and create a new file with the name: home.view.dart and add the following code inside it:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:wings/core/immutable/base/views/view.wings.dart'; class HomeView extends WingsView<HomeController> { HomeView({Key? key}) : super(key: key, controller: HomeController()); @override Widget successState(BuildContext context) { return Text(controller.posts[0].title); // Title of the first post that came from the API } }

For more information, please see the provided example inside feature folder.

Advance Use


You can customize your theme by going to the core/mutable/themes/theme.wings.dart and customize it as you want


Wings support translation using GetX translation for two languages by default ar, en

  • Add new file for each language with the name your_file.en.dart and

  • your files should have the following structure:

    // each key should start with the file name capitalized camel case then : then the key capitalized camel case final Map<String, String> errorEn = { 'Error:ServerException': "Oops! We couldn't connect to the server", 'Error:CacheException': 'No Internet Connection', };
  • Add the variable that you just added to the file _en.trans.dart:

    import 'common.en.dart'; import 'error.en.dart'; import 'feedback.en.dart'; // add the variable name for each file ex: errorEn with spread operator final Map<String, String> en = { ...errorEn, ...commonEn, ...feedbackEn, };
  • Now you can add the translation keys to your project but don’t delete the existent translation while you can change the translation itself

  • You can change the default language by changing the default language:

    Wings.instance.defaultLanguage = WingsLanguage(locale: const Locale('ar'), textDirection: TextDirection.rtl);


Wings comes with variation of states for each use: Loading, Error, Success, ErrorFlushBar, SuccessFlushBar with the ability to customize each one.

you can change the design for each one inside emutable/widgets/state and emutable/helper/snack_bar and you can add your custom widget or helper and override the default states inside mutable/widgets/states/app_state.wings.dart

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

import '../../../immutable/providers/errors/error.model.wings.dart';
import '../../helpers/snack_bar/error_snack_bar.helper.wings.dart'
    as error_snack_bar;
import '../../helpers/snack_bar/success_snack_bar.helper.wings.dart'
    as success_snack_bar;
import 'error_state.widget.wings.dart';
import 'loading_state.widget.wings.dart';

class WingsAppState {
  static Widget defaultWidgetState() {
    return loading();

  static Widget errorState({onRefresh, error}) {
    return WingsErrorState(
      onRefresh: onRefresh,
      error: error,

  static Widget loading() {
    return const LoadingState();

  static void successSnackBar({String message = '', String title = ''}) {
    success_snack_bar.successSnackBar(message: message, title: title);

  static void errorSnackBar({ErrorModel? error}) {
    error_snack_bar.errorSnackBar(error: error);


Wings use REST API without patch request cause not all servers supports patch request

you can add your API URLs in mutable/remote/urls.wings.dart

class WingsURL { static String get baseURL => ''; static String get posts => 'posts'; }

if you have a custom response format where the data come with extra info you can add your roles in mutable/remote/response_format.wings.dart

import 'dart:convert';

class WingsResponseFormat {
  static String? key;

  /// This function will check if the response is valid
  /// according to the json structure that has been agreed on between
  /// the backend and the flutter developer
  /// The default wings validated response is according to JSON-API:
  /// {"data": {...}}
  /// This function require back-end api to always fill the data parameter
  /// in the json response
  /// if you don't like this json response,
  /// please change this function to always return true without checking any code
  /// static bool validatedResponse(String response) { return true; }
  static bool validatedResponse(String response) {
    return true; // TODO: uncomment this line if you don't have custom format
    try {
      key = 'data';

      var data = jsonDecode(response);

      if (data[key].toString().isEmpty) {
        return false;

      return true;
    } catch (exception) {
      return false;

to send a any request you have to use WingsRequest class to specify the request information url,body,header,queryString

 request = WingsRequest(
  url: url,
  shouldCache: true,
  body: {

in your controller you can get/send data using getData(),sendData(). Those methods will read the request variable and do the rest for you.

void login(){
  request = WingsRequest(
    url: WingsURL.login,
    body: {


you can access more methods using provider . you have four methods to deal the the requests provider.get(request: request),provider.insert(request: request),provider.delete(request: request),provider.update(request: request).


the goal from statics is to avoid misspelling when using string in more than one place

Wings structure uses WingsFeedback,WingsErrorAssets as statics

Customize request messages/assets

you can can customize your request messages (success and failures) and assets

  • to customize request message go to mutable/statics/feedback.static.dart

class WingsFeedback {
  static String insertSuccess = 'Success:Insert'.tr;
  • to customize request exceptions icons and images go mutable/statics/error_asset.static.wings.dart

class WingsErrorAssets {
    // Just in case that some icons or images deleted or not found, use those default values to handle the errors that may arise
    static String defaultImage = 'assets/images/error.png';
    static String defaultIcon = 'assets/icons/error.svg';
    static String unexpectedErrorImage = '';
    static String unexpectedErrorIcon = '';


You can store data that you want to store and retrieve during the app life cycle

class WingsStore {
  // add your data


All the helper functions that are commonly used throughout the project and it has a dependent task can be moved here.


All the widgets that are commonly used throughout the project and it has a dependent task can be moved here.


Wings uses the widgets inside mutable/widgets/states because they’re commonly used throughout the structure. and can be customized by the developer.

Developed by Invention Technology


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