Rigify – Public Transit Routes and Timetables
GTFS data fetching and converting it into a user friendly UI. Built using Flutter Framework
Developed in motion of not being able to find a good looking and not full of Ads public transit timetable app and deciding to build one on my own.
- This project uses AdMob for showing Banner Ads (Currently only Banner ads are implemented) and Twitter API for fetching user feed for News page implementation. These two are optional and can be easily disabled.
- Main data is gotten from a GTFS feed found here routes and stops.
- In App Purchases to remove ads are also implemented.
While this app is developed for a specific data feed, it can be easily modified and replaced with different GTFS data. A better template is in progress!
- Light / dark / system theme switch
- l10n / localization – flutter_localizations
- In App Purchases – in_app_purchase
- Search bar
- Favorites – hive
- Firebase Analytics & Crashlytics
- Logging
- Splash screen
- In App Purchases
- An upload to play store is first required in order to properly display legitimate Ads, afterwards change the productId value in
to your own ID.
- An upload to play store is first required in order to properly display legitimate Ads, afterwards change the productId value in
- Setup your own API keys, references below.
- You will have to run
flutter gen-l10n
to generate l10n
Env values
Env values are stored in keys.dart file.
To enable AdMob, add:
Ad unit ID for Android
Ad unit ID for IOS
To enable fetching from Twitter, add:
Consumer key
Consumer secret
Map that shows routes and stops visually
More language support
Ticket reader using nfc (Reversing the hex data from mifare UL cards)