WhatsApp Clone
Full Stack Whatsapp Clone with Flutter, Firebase & Riverpod 2.0!
- Phone Number Authentication
- 1-1 Chatting with Contacts Only
- Group Chatting
- Text, Image, GIF, Audio(Recording), Video & Emoji Sharing
- Status Visible to Contacts Only and Disappears after 24 hours
- Video Calling
- Online/Offline Status
- Seen Message
- Replying to Messages
- Auto Scroll on New Messages
After cloning this repository, migrate to flutter-whatsapp-clone
folder. Then, follow the following steps:
- Create Firebase Project
- Run the commands:
- npm install -g firebase-tools
- dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli
- flutterfire configure
- Enable Authentication
- Add Firestore & Storage Rules
- Create Android & iOS Apps