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Flutter App : Flutter application for tMDB data fetch

Flutter Test

Flutter application for tMDB data fetch.

Getting Started

To run the project:

  • Get TMDB key from here
  • Open the project in your IDE.
  • Create a .evn file at the project root and add TMDB_KEY= <<your key here>>.
  • Run this command flutter pub get in the terminal.


This app has one screen i.e Main Screen:

Main screen have the following:

  • Vertical List with collapsible toolbar, with first image from popular movies
  • Vertical list has 4 collapsible sections, each with title and horizontally scrollable list
  • The first two sections are populated when user lands on the Main screen keeping other two in collapsed state but showing the section titles.
  • Each item in the horizontal list have movie image and the movie title.
  • Data is fetched for third and fourth section only if user clicks to expand any of those sections.
  • User is be able to collapse, expanded section and vice versa from the section title bar.
  • Latest Movies API is Polled every 30 seconds to fetch the latest data and update the view.



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