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Flutter App : Dart netpbm image format library, for creating simple images with pixel matrixes


Dart’s netpbm image format manipulation library


  • Create Portable BitMap format images ‘P1’
  • Create Portable GrayMap format images ‘P2’
  • Create Portable PixMap format images ‘P3’
  • Export images

Getting started

“The portable pixmap format (PPM), the portable graymap format (PGM) and the portable bitmap format (PBM) are image file formats designed to be easily exchanged between platforms.” – from Wikipedia

This is an easy, human-readable image format easy for beginners to get into, this library allows creation of images based on pixel matrixes



First import the library using ‘import’ directive

import 'package:netpbm/netpbm.dart';

Declaring an image

Create an Image by creating an instance of ImageMono, ImageGrayscale or ImageColor, and specifying a Height and a Width

final Image image = new ImageGrayscale(height: 10, width: 10);

Manipulating pixel values

Image is automatically initialized with all 0’s (black).
Add pixel values by accesing the image as a matrix

image[5][5] = 52;

this line assigns a value of 52 to the pixel at x=5, y=5

The line above only works with ImageGrayscale, which values are of type ‘int’ and vary between 0 to 255.

ImageMono values are either true or false (white or black)

final Image image = new ImageMono(height: 10, width: 10);
image[5][5] = true;

ImageColor values are a <Color> class instance, which can be initialized with an HEX color string

final Image image = new ImageColor(height: 10, width: 10);
image[5][5] = Color('#AABBCC');

Declaring images from matrices

You can also declare matrices with [] operator and construct an image from them using the ‘toMatrix()’ extension and .fromMatrix() constructor as long as the matrix is rectangular (all rows have the same lenght)

final Image image = new ImageGrayscale.fromMatrix( [ [50, 25, 0, 0], [25, 50, 25, 0], [0, 25, 50, 25], [0, 0, 25, 50] ].toMatrix() //<- Transforms matrix into StaticMatrix<int> );

StaticMatrix (or PixelMatrix which is an alias), contains all the pixel values, the implementation above only works with ImageGrayscale which is compatible with int types.

For creating ImageMono matrices, you can create a matrix with 1’s and 0’s and use the .toMono() extension for transforming it into bool compatible values

final Image image = new ImageMono.fromMatrix( [ [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1] ].toMatrix().toMono() //<- Transform into matrix and then into StaticMatrix<bool> );

For creating ImageColor matrices you can Skip the color constructor by just creating a matrix of Strings containing HEX values and then transforming it with .toColorFromHex() extension

final Image image = new ImageColor.fromMatrix(
        ['#FF0000', '#00FF00', '#0000FF'],
        ['#FFFF00', '#FF00FF', '#00FFFF']
    ].toMatrix().toColorFromHex()); //<- Transform into matrix and then into Colors

Exporting images

You can export any image with the .toFile(filename) method implemented in every image type

final Image image = new ...// Create some sort of image
image.toFile('my_image'); // Export image

Image extension is automatically assigned according to Image type

Additional information

TODO: Read file
Feel free to contribute and use this library in your own project ?


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