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Flutter App : Customizable Flutter UI library inspired by old 8bits video games


style: very good analysis
Powered by Mason
License: MIT

UI library inspired by old retro video game console

Installation 💻

❗ In order to start using  Nes UI you must have the Flutter SDK installed on your machine.

Add nes_ui to your pubspec.yaml:


Install it:

flutter packages get

Configure it

 Nes UI provides a ThemeData that you can add to your MaterialApp, that theme can be obtained
from the flutterNesTheme method:

import 'package:nes_ui/nes_ui.dart';

  theme: flutterNesTheme(),

Check the many arguments on the method to customize the theme.


Nes UI uses the Press start 2P
from the Google Fonts package.

Google fonts will fetch the files in runtime over http. To keep that behaviour and unsure that it works,
be sure to call WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); at your main method.

For more info on that follow this Google Fonts package guide.

If instead you want to bundle the fonts in the app and avoid http requests,
follow this other guide.

You also should include the font license on LicenseRegistry when bundling it on the app.

For example:

void main() {
  LicenseRegistry.addLicense(() async* {
    final license = await rootBundle.loadString('google_fonts/OFL.txt');
    yield LicenseEntryWithLineBreaks(['google_fonts'], license);


More about font license here.

Check the gallery of all widgets here.

Material Customized Widgets

 Nes UI trives to use the most out of material that it can, customizing their looks to fit
the package desired look, here is the list of widgets from Material that are customized by
 Nes UI

  • Text
  • TextField/TextFormField
  • Divider

Custom Widgets

Some widgets are too different from the Material look and structure, which was not possible to
achieve without building the whole widget from scratch, this is the list of widgets that Nes UI

  • NesButton
  • NesCheckbox
  • NesContainer
  • NesIcon

More to come!


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