Super Cupertino Cupertino Navigation Bar
Flutter Extension
Super Cupertino Navigation Bar
Customize your iOS-style navigation bar and elevate the user experience of your project.
As a developer who appreciates Cupertino’s elegant design, wouldn’t you want to add this custom package to your app in development? The Super Cupertino Navigation Bar helps you create an iOS-style navigation bar while allowing you to add a search field and customize avatars.
Floated Large Title | Pinned Large Title | Only Large Title |
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Normal Navbar Floated | Normal Navbar Pinned | |
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It’s been necessary from the beginning, and I just did it.
Why Should You Use Super Cupertino Navigation Bar?
iOS-Style Navigation Bar: Offer a more familiar experience to your iOS users. The Super Cupertino Cupertino Navigation Bar reflects the native look and feel of iOS devices.
Search Field: Help users find content in your app more quickly and easily. Provide users with the ability to search.
Avatar Customization: Empower users to personalize their profiles. Customizable avatar addition is a fantastic way to recognize and customize users.
Perfect Compatibility: Seamlessly integrates with the Cupertino library. It works harmoniously with other components of your Flutter app.
Transition Animations: With this extension, you can have all transition animation on page route.
Okay! Let’s dive deep!
Examples. Enjoy!
Table of Content
- Getting Started
- SuperCupertinoNavigationBar Attributes
- SearchFieldDecoration Attributes
- AvatarModel Attributes
Getting Started
Add dependency
super_cupertino_navigation_bar: ^1.0.0
Add import package
import 'package:super_cupertino_navigation_bar/super_cupertino_navigation_bar.dart';
Easy to use
SuperCupertinoNavigationBar widget has CustomScrollView widget in it so you should place your children in slivers key whose type List.
SuperCupertinoNavigationBar Attributes
Attribute | Type | Annotation |
largeTitle | Widget | Supply Text widget in order to get right transition animation |
leading | Widget | You can add desired Widget left top of Navbar |
automaticallyImplyLeading | bool | used for removing the back button, from the second screen after navigating to route |
automaticallyImplyTitle | bool | If true and [largeTitle] is null, automatically fill in a Text() widget with the current route’s title |
alwaysShowMiddle | bool | This should be set to false if you only want to show [largeTitle] in expanded state and [middle] in collapsed state |
physics | ScrollPhysics | SuperCupertinoNavigationBar has CustomScrollView in it. Physic is used to set CustomScrollView’s physics |
previousPageTitle | String | Manually specify the previous route’s title when automatically implying the leading back button |
middle | Widget | Widget to place in the middle of the navigation bar. Normally a title or a segmented control. |
trailing | Widget | Widget to place at the end of the navigation bar. Normally additional actions taken on the page such as a search or edit function. |
border | Border | The direction in which the widget content will line up |
backgroundColor | Color | The background color of the navigation bar. If it contains transparency, the tab bar will automatically produce a blurring effect to the content behind it. Defaults to CupertinoTheme’s scaffoldBackgroundColor if null. |
collapsedBackgroundColor | Color | The background color of the collapsed navigation bar. If it contains transparency, the tab bar will automatically produce a blurring effect to the content behind it. Defaults to CupertinoTheme’s barBackgroundColor if null. |
brightness | Brightness | The brightness of the specified backgroundColor. Setting this value changes the style of the system status bar. |
padding | EdgeInsetsDirectional | Padding for the contents of the navigation bar. Defaults: Vertically, sized to the same height as the navigation bar itself minus the status bar. Horizontally, padding will be 16 pixels |
transitionBetweenRoutes | bool | Set true for transition between navigation bars |
heroTag | Object | Tag for the navigation bar’s Hero widget if transitionBetweenRoutes is true |
stretch | bool | This specifies navbar behavior when negative scroll has been done. It moves with scroll contents when it’s true. But it will be static on scrolling. |
slivers | List[Widget] | SuperCupertinoNavigationBar has CustomScrollView so place all of your children place here as Sliver Widget such as SliverToBoxAdapter etc. |
scrollController | ScrollController | SuperCupertinoNavigationBar has own scrollController but if you want to add scrollController as custom, you can set here. this will be used as primary scrollController |
appBarType | AppBarType (Enum) | AppBarType is an enum and it sets Appbar as Large Title or Normal Navbar and whether it has Search Bar or not.
Values: LargeTitleWithPinnedSearch, LargeTitleWithFloatedSearch, LargeTitleWithoutSearch, NormalNavbarWithPinnedSearch, NormalNavbarWithFloatedSearch |
searchFieldDecoration | SearchFieldDecoration (Model) | This is Search Field Model which you can find extended information below |
avatarModel | AvatarModel (Model) | This is Avatar Model which you can find extended information below |
AppBarType Enum
AppBarType values below;
enum AppBarType {
SearchFieldDecoration Attributes
Attribute | Type | Annotation |
controller | TextEditingController | SearchField TextEditingController |
onChanged | ValueChanged[String] | get Text value onChange and do some Event |
onSubmitted | ValueChanged[String] | get Text value onSubmit and do some Event |
placeholderText | String | SearchField Placeholder Text Value |
decoration | BoxDecoration | Style your search field |
keyboardType | TextInputType | Select TextInputType |
padding | EdgeInsetsGeometry | only horizontal padding is applicable |
prefixIconColor | Color | |
placeholderColor | Color | |
prefixInsets | EdgeInsetsGeometry | padding around prefix icon |
prefixIcon | Widget | Select desired Icon, default is Icon(CupertinoIcons.search) |
suffixInsets | EdgeInsetsGeometry | padding around suffix icon |
suffixIcon | Icon | Select desired Icon, default is Icon(CupertinoIcons.xmark_circle_fill) |
onSuffixTap | VoidCallback | No return value supplied. Just Clears th search field and you can do some event |
onCancelTap | VoidCallback | No return value supplied. Just Clears th search field and cancels search actions. Also you can do some event |
paddingLeft | double | |
paddingRight | double | |
cancelButtonName | String | |
cancelButtonStyle | TextStyle | |
cursorColor | Color | |
onFocused | ValueChanged[bool] | triggers desired event on search field focus |
hideSearchBarOnInit | bool | this is applicable only LargeTitleWithFloatedSearch and NormalNavbarWithFloatedSearch |
searchFieldBehaviour | SearchFieldBehaviour (Enum) | This specifies result screen behavior. 3 behaviour may be set:
ShowResultScreenAfterFieldInput, ShowResultScreenAfterFieldFocused, NeverShowResultScreen. |
searchResultHeader | SearchResultHeader (Widget) | This is just model which is required to set height and child attributes |
searchResultChildren | List[Widget] | This appears according to SearchFieldBehaviour. You can set children here after desired action such as onChanged, onSubmitted etc. |
SearchFieldBehaviour Enum
SearchFieldBehaviour values below;
enum SearchFieldBehaviour {
Let’s look at expected behaviour;
ShowResultScreenAfterFieldInput | ShowResultScreenAfterFieldFocused | NeverShowResultScreen |
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After search field action, result screen will appear and in this screen below the search bar you can place any widget you want! Let’s look at picture
Example 1 Apple Music | Example 2 Apple Music |
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const SearchResultHeader({
required this.height,
required this.child,
AvatarModel Attributes
You can set avatar like Apple Applications do. See the required model attributes;
Attribute | Type | Annotation |
avatarUrl | String | write here url string of Image.asset(url) |
avatarIsVisible | bool | default value is false |
onTap | VoidCallback | Callback, set event onTap |
avatarIconColor | Color | avatar icon default color is CupertinoColors.link |
icon | IconData | you can change default icon which is CupertinoIcons.profile_circled |
this.avatarIsVisible = false,
this.avatarIconColor = CupertinoColors.link,
this.icon = CupertinoIcons.profile_circled,
Some Notices
- If you want to use default navigation bar, you can use simply this way;
navigationBar: DefaultCupertinoNavigationBar( // same as CupertinoNavigationBar but little differencies
backgroundColor: CupertinoColors.systemGrey.withOpacity(0.5),
middle: const Text('CupertinoNavigationBar Sample'),
- Without using default navigation bar, You can use SuperCupertinoNavigationBar without largeTitle. Simply use this value;
CupertinoPageScaffold( //inside CupertinoPageScaffold
child: SuperCupertinoNavigationBar(
largeTitleType: AppBarType.NormalNavbarWithoutSearch, // This will make appbar like CupertinoNavigationBar
middle: Text("Home")
slivers: [
// Any Sliver here
in these case, you should be aware of you will use custom scroll view and sliver widgets.
Contribute and Provide Feedback
If you wish to contribute to this project, take a look at my GitHub repository and report any issues or bugs. You can help me further improve the project!
This package is licensed under the MIT License. For detailed information, check the LICENSE file.