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Flutter App : Create a simple text form field package of


Plugin to create a simple text_form_field for iOS and Android, Windows, and Web. This package contains several custom widget, such as :

  1. SimpleTextFormField. for create simple textfield widget
  2. SimpleTextFormFieldDate. for create simple date picker or time picker widget
  3. SimpleTextFormFieldDropDown. for create generic dropdown widget


To use this plugin, add simple_text_form_field as
a dependency in your pubspec.yaml.


SimpleTextFormField( controller: controller, isRequired: true, errorTextSize: 8, maxLength: 12, label: "Name", placeHolder: "Input your name", ), SimpleTextFormFieldDate( isRequired: true, fillColor: Colors.transparent, controller: controllerDate, firstDate:, label: "Your Date", ), SimpleTextFormFieldDate( isRequired: true, fillColor: Colors.transparent, controller: controllerTime, type: InputDatetimeType.time, label: "Your Time", ), SimpleTextFormFieldDropDown<ItemModel>( controller: controllerDropdown, required: true, label: "Select one", valueItem: (e)=> e.mainTitle!, listItem: lists, ),

and to to get value or do some validations just do like the following code :

    if (controller.isValid &&
          controllerDate.isValid &&
          controllerTime.isValid &&
      controllerDropdown.isValid) {
        setState(() {
          text = controller.value;
          date = SimpleConstants.dateToString(controllerDate.value,
              format: "dd/MM/yyyy");
          time = controllerTime.value.format(context);


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