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Flutter App : Collection of offline utilities for developers


Online utilities for formatting, encoding/decoding etc are dangerous to use (many of them steal secrets from your data) and are in fact prohibited at many workplaces. This offline desktop app is a collection of many such utilities:

  • Base64 Encoding/Decoding
  • JSON Formatting / Validating / Extracting
  • JSON <-> YAML Conversion
  • QR Image <-> Text Conversion
  • JWT Inspection
  • More coming soon

This app is written in Flutter and therefore, works on MacOS, Linux, Windows and even Web if your org would like to host it internally as a webapp. But do not expect this to work on Android and iOS.

Make sure to read the LICENSE and the CLA.

How to build:


  1. ensure your flutter base is up-to-date : devtools requires SDK version >=2.15.1 <3.0.0, version solving failed.

flutter update

  1. ensure desktop building is enabled otherwise you will get an error "build macos" is not currently supported. To enable, run "flutter config --enable-macos-desktop".

flutter config --enable-macos-desktop

  1. Build the app using
    flutter build macos --release
    this will generate the .app file in build/macos/Build/Products/Release/

Convert the app to DMG using create-dmg tool
4. ensure the create-dmg tool is installed
brew install create-dmg

  1. Create a DMG file
    test -f DevTools.dmg && rm DevTools.dmg && create-dmg --app-drop-link 400 100 --icon-size 50 --window-size 600 400 --window-pos 400 400 DevTools.dmg build/macos/Build/Products/Release/


  1. ensure your flutter base is up-to-date : devtools requires SDK version >=2.15.1 <3.0.0, version solving failed.

flutter update

  1. ensure desktop building is enabled otherwise you will get an error "build windows" is not currently supported. To enable, run "flutter config --enable-windows-desktop".

flutter config --enable-windows-desktop

  1. Build the app using
    flutter build windows --release
    this will generate the .exe file in \build\windows\runner\Release\devtoolbox.exe.

We use macos_ui. You can find examples of all their widgets here.


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