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Flutter App : An interactive tool that allows you to view the periodic table

Periodic Table App

The Periodic Table App is a simple and interactive tool designed to help students, educators and enthusiasts learn about the periodic table of elements. The app allows you to view the periodic table and access information on each element such as atomic number, symbol, name, electron configuration, and summary. In addition, you can view the 3D Bohr model of each element, providing a better understanding of its electron configuration.


  • Interactive periodic table of elements
  • Detailed information on each element, including atomic number, symbol, name, electron configuration and summary.
  • 3D Bohr model for each element
  • User-friendly interface


Periodic Table App


  1. Clone the repository using git clone
  2. Clone the repository using cd periodic_table_app
  3. build app using flutter run .


  1. Click on any element on the periodic table to view its properties.
  2. Click the “3D Model” for see 3D Bohr Model.


The Periodic Table App was created by Berkay Ceylan.

The app uses data from Periodic Table JSON API.

All information received from Wikipedia.


This project is licensed under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE – see the LICENSE file for details.


FlutterApp, PeriodicTableApp, ChemistryEducation, STEMeducation, InteractiveLearning, BohrModels, ChemistryClass, ChemistryStudents, PeriodicTableOfElements, ScienceApp, EducationApp, LearningMadeEasy, TeachingTools, InteractivePeriodicTable, StudentTools, EducationalApps


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