Flutter Movie App
This project was created with Flutter and some native Widgets like SingleChildScrollView, Hero Animation, SliverAppBar, StreamBuilder and of course I used things such as Delegate, Provider, Services, etc.
List of dependencies:
- flutter v2.13.1
- card_swiper – (to make transitions between elements)
- http – (to make HTTP requests with Future functionality)
- provider – (To make easier and more reusable widgets for manage state)
1. Getting Started
API reference
You’ll need a TMDB (The Movie Database) account to access API service and put it into movies_provider.dart
- Don’t forget this ’cause I don’t provide my api_key for this public project.
- The Movie Database => https://www.themoviedb.org/
2.- Available Scripts
In the project directory, you can run special commands like these:
To Visual Studio Code:
- Invoke View > Command Palette.
- Type “flutter”, and select the Flutter: Launch Emulator OR press F5 to install app on the device.
- Wait for app project installation.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
For help getting started with Flutter, view our
online documentation, which offers tutorials,
samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.