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Flutter App : A Hackathon project created by Alpha Interface team for Agri-D Food Hack

Alpha Interface

A Hackathon project created by Alpha Interface team for Agri-D Food Hack

Installation WebApp

Install Flutter on your System (this will also install Dart for you).

Navigate to the App folder in your IDE via the Terminal

cd .\src\frontend\alpha_interface_app\ 

Get the Packages

flutter pub get

Run the app in Chrome

flutter run -d chrome


Downloading Wasp and wasp-cli

brew install rocksdb
make install

Run A Wasp node

Run A Wasp node will connecting to goshimmer using TXStream.

you can find testnet endpoint here

for now we using

wasp -c ./wasp-nodes/config.json

# or

make run-wasp

Configuring wasp-cli

wasp-cli init

# Set go shimmer api and request fund
wasp-cli set goshimmer.api
wasp-cli request-funds
wasp-cli balance

# set wasp address for a local node
wasp-cli set wasp.0.api
wasp-cli set wasp.0.nanomsg
wasp-cli set wasp.0.peering

Setting Up a Chain

# Trust node
wasp-cli peering info
wasp-cli peering trust {PubKey}
wasp-cli peering list-trusted

# Deploy The Chain
# `committee` will correspond to wasp.0, wasp.1 in `wasp-cli.json`
# `quorum` is minimum amount node
wasp-cli chain deploy --committee=0 --quorum=1 --chain=alpha-interface-chain --description="Alpha Interface Chain"

# Deposit money to the chain
wasp-cli chain deposit IOTA:10000

# Set test chain you can find chain id from ``
wasp-cli set chains.testchain {chain-id}
wasp-cli set chain testchain

Build the smart contract

make build-wasm

Deploy the smart contract

make deploy-wasm

Post smart contract request

wasp-cli chain post-request alphainterface setOwner string owner string {actorID}
wasp-cli chain call-view alphainterface getOwner

wasp-cli chain list-accounts

wasp-cli chain post-request alphainterface setCrop string name string potato string country string germany --off-ledger
wasp-cli chain post-request alphainterface setCrop string name string rice string country string germany --off-ledger

wasp-cli chain call-view alphainterface getCrops
wasp-cli chain call-view alphainterface getCropsString
wasp-cli chain call-view alphainterface getCrop string cropIdx int32 0

wasp-cli chain post-request alphainterface createOrder string cropIdx int32 0 string type string short --transfer=IOTA:1000
wasp-cli chain call-view alphainterface getOrders
wasp-cli chain call-view alphainterface getOrdersString
wasp-cli chain call-view alphainterface getPositions
wasp-cli chain call-view alphainterface getPositionsString

wasp-cli chain post-request alphainterface createOrder string cropIdx int32 0 string type string long --transfer=IOTA:2000

wasp-cli chain post-request alphainterface closePosition string positionIdx int32 0
wasp-cli chain post-request alphainterface createOrder string cropIdx int32 0 string type string short --transfer=IOTA:1000

Deactivate chain

wasp-cli chain deactivate



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