Add Mobile Money payments to your flutter apps using the FlutterWave api gateway.
- Recieve Payments through Mobile Money in Uganda
- Supports MTN Momo Transactions
- Supports Airtel Money Transactions
- Verify Charges your have made before adding value
Getting started
Get your api keys, head over to https://dashboard.flutterwave.com/settings/apis
You might also want to read about flutterwaves documentation. For this head to https://developer.flutterwave.com/reference
Create an instance of the UgandaMobileMoney class.
const secretKey = "FLWSECK-XXXXX-X"; // flutterwave secret key
UgandaMobileMoney _mobileMoney = UgandaMobileMoney(secretKey);
Initiate Payments
void chargeClient() async {
MomoPayResponse response = await _mobileMoney.chargeClient(
txRef: "MC-01928403", // should be unique for each transaction
amount: "1500", // amount in UGX you want to charge
email: "tst@gmail.com", // email of the person you want to charge
phoneNumber: "256123456723", // clients phone number
fullname: "Ojangole Joran", // full name of client
redirectUrl: "https://yoursite.com", // redirect url after payment
voucher: "128373", // useful for vodafone. you can ignore this
network: UgandaNetwork.mtn // network, can be either mtn or airtel
To Verify transactions
void verifyTransaction() {
_mobileMoney.verifyTransaction(taxRef).then((value) {
if (value == TransactionStatus.failed) {
.showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text("Failed")));
} else if (value == TransactionStatus.pending) {
.showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text("Pending")));
} else if (value == TransactionStatus.success) {
.showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text("Success")));
} else if (value == TransactionStatus.unknown) {
.showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text("Unknown")));
} else {
.showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text("Unknown")));
Additional information
Please contact me if your have any feature requests or file issues via the respository.
You can also buy me a rolex : https://dashboard.flutterwave.com/donate/7nacgysd7ilf