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Flutter App : A dynamic and visually appealing movies app built using the MVVM architecture


Project Owner

This project is owned and maintained by Morshed Raian Khan.


The project is a movies app built with MVVM architecture. It provides a beautiful user interface to browse and search for movies, along with various features for an enhanced user experience.


  • MVVM Architecture: The app follows the Model-View-ViewModel architectural pattern, providing separation of concerns and improved code maintainability.
  • Rest APIs using Provider: Data is fetched from RESTful APIs and managed using the Provider package for state management.
  • Responsive UI: The app offers a responsive UI design that adapts to different screen sizes, including web, mobile, and tablet devices.
  • Authentication: Users can authenticate using their credentials, leveraging the authentication functionality provided by the backend API.
  • Frosted Glass UI: The app implements a stylish frosted glass UI effect, providing a modern and visually appealing user interface.
  • Shimmer Effect: For a polished loading experience, the app utilizes a shimmer effect, displaying a skeleton animation while fetching data.
  • Star Rating: Movies are presented with star ratings using the flutter_rating_bar package, allowing users to easily identify popular movies.
  • Error Handling: The app efficiently handles different API response statuses, providing appropriate error messages and exception handling.
  • Route Navigation: Named routes are implemented to enable seamless navigation between different screens within the app.
  • Persistence: User session management is handled using the SharedPreference package, ensuring a smooth user experience across app restarts.


  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Install dependencies: flutter pub get
  3. Run the app: flutter run


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Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


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