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Flutter App : A cross platform Tic-Tac-Toe Game built with Flutter

Tic-Tac-Toe : ?
A cross platform app that is built with Flutter TicTacToe

Note : The project is still under development ?️ . Extra features will be added further ?.

Consider giving a ⭐ if you like the project ?.

1. General Info ?

The purpose of this project is to understand and implement the flutter concepts that i’ve learned to make the user interface look appealing besides having fun along the journey ?.

2. Screenshots ?

draw game” “” “

” “” “

” “” “
” “” “

3. Preview ?

4. Installation ?

Setup Flutter

Clone the repo

$ git clone
$ cd Tic-Tac-Toe/

Install dependencies

$ flutter pub get

Run app

$ flutter run

5.Technologies Used ✳️


6. Features ➕

Current Features

  1. Responsive UI
  2. Two Players Can Play The Game ?
  3. Appealing UI
  4. Game Sounds ?
  5. User can select his avatar ?
  6. User can pick up a name to play ?
  7. Can choose no of games to play ?
  8. Minimal Animations
  9. Timer when playing the game ⏲️
  10. Show case widget to guide user to the settings screen

Up coming features ☄️

  1. Integrate Player vs Computer feature using min max algorithm ?
  2. Storing data in cache using shared preferences ?

7. Dependencies ?️

RFlutter Alert

8. Design Inspiration

9. Contact Me ?


View Github

Footer Example