Drishti is a software created as a project for Define hack 2022, which we decided to build a little more.
This app aims to make reporting and spreading the news of accidents and dangers easier and effective.
Archiving since we have no sponsors and have other works to do.
Liked the project?, wanna help us build it further?
Just contact me on twitter ig.
Drishti Client
Drishti client is a flutter application that is available to public through which they can report and get updates
The Problem
Accidents due to stepping on snapped power cables etc and getting common nowadays ,especially during the rainy days. Drishti offers a simple yet elegant way to solve this problem and much more.
The solution
Drishti offers a simple and easy platform to report and get alerts on incidents happening in our locality.It will also redirect the cases to respective authorities.
- Drishti lets you report the incidents(like snapped powerlines or broken pipelines easily and effectively through our mobile application.
- The webservice allows the admins to knowabout these reports in real time and respond to it more efficiently.
- The app also notifies every Drishti user in your locality about Grade 2(midly or highly dangerous) or above reports.
- you can also now the statu of your reports through our portal.
# Current
+ Fully functional backend.
- uses Firebase for login and auth.
- uses MongoDB for dataset.
+ Functional UI that needs abit more touchups and theming.
+ Added Google Crashlytics, Firebase Database etc
+ Added version control and notifications.
# Working On
+ Implementation of geolocation fetching without time/app lag
+ Fetching dataset to train a Vision api ml model (yes googling images and feeding ?)
+ More smoother UX (yeah...)
Prototype link {Thanks to @Ferwin}
Frameworks and Services Used
# Client Side
+ Adithya Krishnan - Full Stack App
+ Ferwin Lopez - UI/UX
# Team (Friendly Neighborhood Tekys)
+ Liya Susan Biju - Full Stack Web
+ Abhishek Raman R - Front End Developer
+ Christina Mathhews - Front End Developer
# Special Thanks to
+ Amy Susan - Support Assist.