Flutter App : With flutter_sticky_widgets you can use a widget as if it is position: sticky; in CSS
With flutter_sticky_widgets you can use…
Flutter App : Build different UIs for Android, iOS, Web, Desktop, Wear, TV etc without the if/else checks in your widgets
platform_widget_mixin Plugin to decouple widgets…
Flutter App : A sheet that aligns to the bottom of a widget and expands as scroll up
slinky_view A sheet that aligns…
Flutter App : A command line Dart application that reads value of Text widget
JSON_CREATOR for Flutter Apps This…
Flutter App : The domain specific language in dart for flutter widgets
Rettulf !esrever ni stegdiw etirW…
Flutter App : A Flutter plugin which provides Picking Place using Google Maps widget
Google Maps Place Picker A…
Flutter App : A fantasy carousel slider widget. only for displaying online and local images
A fantasy carousel slider widget;…
Flutter App : Easily build your Widgets, Avoid parenthesis nesting, easy to build UI
tenon_mortise Easily build your Widgets,…
Flutter App : A Flutter widget that oversizes its child by the given padding
Flutter Negative Padding A Flutter…
Flutter App : A flutter widget for view EPUB documents on all platforms
epub_view Pure flutter widget (non…
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