a plugin for interacting with Accessibility Service in Android.
Accessibility services are intended to assist users with disabilities in using Android devices and apps, or I can say to get android os events like keyboard key press events or notification received events etc.
for more info check Accessibility Service
Installation and usage
Add package to your pubspec:
flutter_accessibility_service: any # or the latest version on Pub
Inside AndroidManifest add this to bind your accessibility service with your application
Create Accesiblity config file named accessibilityservice.xml
inside res/xml
and add the following code inside it:
/// check if accessibility permession is enebaled
final bool status = await FlutterAccessibilityService.isAccessibilityPermissionEnabled();
/// request accessibility permission
/// it will open the accessibility settings page
await FlutterAccessibilityService.requestAccessibilityPermission();
/// stream the incoming Accessibility events
FlutterAccessibilityService.accessStream.listen((event) {
log("Current Event: $event");
Current Event: AccessibilityEvent: (
Action Type: 0
Event Time: 2022-04-11 14:19:56.556834
Package Name: com.facebook.katana
Event Type: EventType.typeWindowContentChanged
Captured Text: events you may like
content Change Types: ContentChangeTypes.contentChangeTypeSubtree
Movement Granularity: 0
Is Active: true
is focused: true
in Pip: false
window Type: WindowType.typeApplication
The AccessibilityEvent
/// the performed action that triggered this event
int? actionType;
/// the time in which this event was sent.
DateTime? eventTime;
/// the package name of the source
String? packageName;
/// the event type.
EventType? eventType;
/// Gets the text of this node.
String? capturedText;
/// the bit mask of change types signaled by a `TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED` event or `TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED`. A single event may represent multiple change types
ContentChangeTypes? contentChangeTypes;
/// the movement granularity that was traversed
int? movementGranularity;
/// the type of the window
WindowType? windowType;
/// check if this window is active. An active window is the one the user is currently touching or the window has input focus and the user is not touching any window.
bool? isActive;
/// check if this window has input focus.
bool? isFocused;
/// Check if the window is in picture-in-picture mode.
bool? isPip;
for each event.