It’s Money
A simple fun application created with Flutter.
Download here.
General Information
- It’s Money is a simple fun application that predicts your salary after your placements based on your interest among Competitive Programming, and Development.
- I did this project to get some hands on the front-end part of the Flutter.
Technologies Used
- Flutter – version >=2.10.0
- Dart – version >=2.17.1 <3.0.0
List the ready features here:
- It predicts your salary after placements based on:-
- your interest in one among the Competitive Programming and Development.
- how much you’re interested in your chosen field?
- how much hours do you put in your chosen field?
- how much experience do you have in your chosen field?
- You can toggle between dark and light mode based on your comfort.
$ Clone the project.
$ Open it on Android Studio, or Visual Studio Code or any other IDE that supports the technologies used.
$ Run the following command on the terminal:- "flutter pub get".
$ Select the device where you want to run this project.
$ Run the project.
- Run the app.
- Read the instructions carefully.
- Select your interest in one among the CP(Competitive Programming), and DEV(Development).
- Choose your desired value for your selected interest.
- Click on the bottom button to calculate your package.
- If you want to toggle between dark and night mode, tap on the right corner of the app bar.
Project Status
Project is: no longer being worked on. Because I feel that there is no room for any improvements or any new features to be added.
Created by @superiorsd10
Email:- Sachin Dapkara – feel free to contact me!