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Flutter App : An application case to make comparisons between cars of different brands and years in graph format in a period of 12 months

#android, #car, #flutter

FIPE app

This is an application case to make comparisons between cars of different brands and years in graph format in a period of 12 months (1 year) through the API of Cenário Capital LTDA. The application was fully developed on Flutter in version 3.0.3 being aimed at Android and MacOS.

⚠️ Attention

  • The API is NOT officially declared as a public API, so there are restrictions on using it, so use it sparingly.
  • The use of the API is not being done through exposure, hacking, bypass and/or improper access, it is just being done because it has no blocks and also because it is simply consultable.
  • The elaboration of the project is solely and strictly for the purposes of studies and learning without commercial or appropriation purposes as the project license reacts.
  • This repository has no link with FIPE and is intended to be just informative, if you have any questions, visit


Main page

On this page it is possible to choose the year, model and brand of a car

One car chart

This will show a graph of the value within 12 months of a car

Multiple cars charts

In this one it will be similar to the previous one but with several cars


At the end of the page, the details of a specific month will be shown, which can be changed by clicking on the graph


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Footer Example