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Flutter App : Flutter code for cash wallet apis


flutter pub get

A flutter plugin for cash wallet apis.


To use this plugin, add cash_wallet_plugin as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

    void cashWallet(BuildContext context) async {
    CashAip cashAip = CashAip(
      spId: "//your spId get it from cash wallet supports",
      userName: "//your userName get it from cash wallet supports",
      keyEncrypt: "//your keyEncrypt get it from cash wallet supports",
      password: "//your password get it from cash wallet supports",
      context: context,
      amount: 1000,
      isArabic: true,

    if (await cashAip.initialise()) {
      //your code when Success payment
    } else {
      //your code when error in payment

Screenshot from 2022-10-02 09-40-09Screenshot from 2022-10-02 09-40-45

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