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Flutter App : A simple application for cryptocurrencies portfolio that contains crypto news


A simple mobile application for cryptocurrencies portfolio that contains crypto news, top 100 crypto and its details

Cryptown features:

  1. Sign In
  2. Sign Up
  3. Crypto List
  4. Crypto Details
  5. Crypto Line Chart
  6. Exchange list
  7. News
  8. Forum
  9. User profile

App Reference:



Package that installed

  1. Cupertino_icons ^1.0.2
  2. Http ^0.13.5 (
  3. Flutter bloc ^8.1.1 (
  4. Syncfusion_flutter_charts ^20.3.56 (
  5. Form_field_validator ^1.1.0 (
  6. Shared_preference ^2.0.15 (
  7. url_launcher ^6.1.7 (
  8. google_fonts ^3.0.1 (
  9. Favourite button ^0.0.4 (
  10. html ^0.15.1 (
  11. intl ^0.17.0 (


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