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Flutter App : A tiny TeX math engine, written in Dart

dart:tex is a tiny TeX engine that creates SVG images.



  • rendering of SVG images from TeX sources
  • all data is packed to code; there is no need to load any data file at runtime
  • only equations can be rendered

Warning: this package is still under development

Getting started


import 'dart:tex';

void main() {
  var tex = TeX();
  var svgImageData = tex.tex2svg("x^2 + y^2");
  if (svgImageData.isEmpty) {
    print('Errors occurred: ${tex.error}');

Additional information

For building the fonts, Python and node must be installed. This is only required for developers of this package.

License of MathJax

This package extracts SVG image data of glyphs from MathJax. All rights remains at the authors. MathJax is licensed under the Apache2 license. You will find a copy of the license in folder ext-licenses/ of this repository. You will find the mentioned data under /lib/src/svg.dart in variable svgData.


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