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Flutter App : A sophisticated personal voice assistant app that can execute various tasks using voice command


VAI is a sophisticated personal voice assistant app that can execute various tasks using voice commands, it is powered by ChatGpt api and DallE api which is an AI image generation tool to make the voice assistant even more intelligent and responsive.

📱 Features

  • ChatGpt api
  • Dall-E api
  • Speech To Text
  • Text To Speech
  • Animations
  • Flutter UI

🖨 Screenshots


👾 Installation

After cloning the app, migrate to the apps location on your computer.

  • Run “Flutter pub get”.
  • Go to openai and generate your apikey and paste it in gpt_key file in the utils folder.
  • Run the app.

🎯 Requirements

  • An Operating System (ie. MacOS X, Linux, Windows).
  • An IDE with Flutter SDK installed (ie. IntelliJ, Android Studio, VSCode etc).
  • A little knowledge of Dart and Flutter.

💻 Tech Used

Server: ChatGpt Api, Dall-E Api, Open AI.
CLient: Flutter

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