Draw a triangle by setting 2 sides and an angle. Set an offset (-1<x<1,-1<y<1) from which side a and side b are drawn.
- Draw a triangle by setting 2 sides and an angle
- Set an offset to Control triangle’s position
- Rotate triangle
- Set triangle’s color
- Set triangle’s side width
- Set triangle’s side color
- Get triangle’s height
- Get triangle’s third side
- Get triangle’s area
angle_ab: 90,
a: 180,
b: 180,
color: Colors.blue,
sideWidth: 5,
sideColor: Colors.black,
Here are the accepted parameters :
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
angle_ab | double | null | Angle between side a and side b |
a | double | null | Length of side a |
b | double | null | Length of side b |
offset | Offset | (0,0) | offset (-1<x<1,-1<y<1) from which a and b are drawn |
rotate | double | 0 | Triangle’s rotation in degrees, from 0 to 360 |
color | Color | null | Triangle’s inner color |
sideColor | Color | Colors.transparent | Triangle’s side color |
sideWidth | double | 0 | Triangle’s side width |